Frédéric Moisy
Professor at University Paris-Saclay
I am a researcher in fluid mechanics. I conduct laboratory experiments to enhance our understanding of fluid flows in various natural or environmental contexts: Wind-wave interaction, dynamics of floating objects, geophysical fluid dynamics, as well as micro and bio-fluidics.
Research projects
- Free-surface flows
- Dynamics of floaters, with W. Herreman, B. Dhote
- Wind waves generation, with M. Aulnette, J. Zhang, C. Nové-Josserand, S. Perrard, A. Lozano-Duran (Stanford University), M. Benzaquen (LadHyX), A. Paquier, A. Hector, P. Balondrade et M. Rabaud
- Free-Surface Synthetic Schlieren (FS-SS) - see the tutorial
- Bio- and micro- fluidics
Past research projects:
- Rotating turbulence on the Gyroflow platform, with A. Campagne, N. Machicoane, P.-P. Cortet, C. Lamriben, in collaboration with B. Gallet (CEA Saclay).
- Inertial waves and modes, with N. Machicoane, P.-P. Cortet, C. Lamriben, J. Boisson; in collaboration with B. Voisin (LEGI, Grenoble), L.R.M. Maas (NIOZ, Netherlands) and T. Dauxois (ENS Lyon).
- Strange rotation in a glass of beer, with J. Bouvard and W. Herreman
- Ship's wake: Kelvin or Mach angle?, with M. Rabaud
- Parametric instability and cross-waves (with M. Rabaud, E. Sultan and G.-J. Michon)
- A fluid Foucault pendulum, with J. Boisson, P.-P. Cortet and D. Cebron (ETH Zurich)
- Turbulent buoyant mixing (with J. Znaien, J.-P. Hulin and Y. Tanino)
Publications - CV
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Research highlights
- Pourquoi la mousse tourne-t-elle en sens inverse du liquide dans un verre de bière ?, L'Obs (4 oct 2018).
- La surprenante rotation de la mousse dans un verre de bière, CNRS-INSIS Actualités (17 sept 2018).
- Counter-Rotation Inside a Glass of Beer Shaken Stirringly, Improbable Research (August 7th, 2018).
- Bière qui roule amasse la mousse à l'envers, Le Monde (7 aout 2018).
- Quand la mousse de la bière tourne à contre-courant, Pour la Science (26 juillet 2018).
- Wake up, Nature Physics News and Views 9, 390 (july 2013).
- Physicists rethink celebrated Kelvin wake pattern for ships, Physics World (30 may 2013).
- Lord Kelvin Wipes Out on Speed Boat Wakes?, Science Now (9 may 2013).
- Vague à lame, Paris-Sud Magazine 84, 35 (juin 2013).
- Blick auf Bugwellen mit Google Earth, Pro-Physik (30 may 2013).
- Le sillage fait des vagues, Pour la Science 429, 7 (2013) - communiqué en ligne 29 mai 2013.
- A liquid Foucault pendulum, CNRS international magazine, 27 (octobre 2012).
- Un pendule de Foucault version liquide, CNRS Le journal, 268 (septembre-octobre 2012).
PhD students
- Basile Dhote, started 2023, co-supervisor: W. Herreman
- Julien Bouvard, 2022 [PDF], co-supervisor: H. Auradou
- Marine Aulnette, 2021 [PDF], co-supervisor: M. Rabaud
- Anna Paquier, 2016 [PDF], co-supervisor: M. Rabaud
- Antoine Campagne, 2015 [PDF], co-supervisor P.-P. Cortet
- Cyril Lamriben, 2012 [PDF] co-supervisor: P.-P. Cortet
- Jemil Znaien, 2009 [PDF] co-supervisor: J.P. Hulin
- Cyprien Morize, 2006 [PDF] co-supervisor: M. Rabaud
Coordinator of Master's programme Dynamique des Fluides et Energétique of Université Paris-Saclay.
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