Data import and display
loadvec - Load vector/scalar fields
showf - Display vector/scalar fields (still images or movies)
vec2scal - Compute scalar fields from vector fields
Spatial field processing
filterf - Spatial filter of a field
interpf - Interpolate missing data
bwfilterf - Spatial Butterworth filter of a field
medianf - Median filter
spaverf - Spatial average over X and/or Y of a field
azaverf - Azimuthally average field
azprofile - Azimuthal profile
subaverf - Substract the average of field
remapf - Remap a field to a new grid
truncf - Truncate a field
extractf - Extract a rectangle from a field
resizef - Resize a field
maskrectf - Mask a rectangular area on fields
rotatef - Rotate a field about the center
shiftf - Shift the axis of a field
setoriginf - Set the origin (0,0) of a field
flipf - Flip (mirror) a field
operf - Other operations (sum, multiply, etc)
gradientf - Gradient of a scalar field
convert3dto2df - Convert 3D vector fields to 2D vector fields
Temporal field processing
averf - Average, standard deviation and rms of fields
subaverf - Substract the average of fields
phaseaverf - Phase average of fields
tempspecf - Temporal power spectrum of fields.
tempcorrf - Temporal correlation function of fields
tempfilterf - Temporal filter (e.g., band-pass filter)
spatiotempcorrf - Spatio-temporal correlation function of a scalar field.
smoothf - Temporal smooth of fields
resamplef - Re-sample time series of fields
probef - Record the time evolution of a probe in a field
Statistics, spectra and histograms
statf - Mean, standard deviation and rms of a field.
histf - Histogram of a field.
corrf - Spatial correlation function of a scalar field.
histvec_disp - Display histograms from vector fields.
histscal_disp - Display histograms from scalar fields.
statvec_disp - Display statistics from vector fields.
ssf - Scalar structure functions.
vsf - Vector structure functions.
vsf_disp - Display vector structure functions.
specf - 1D power spectrum of vector/scalar fields.
spec2f - 2D power spectrum of vector/scalar fields.
tempspecf - Temporal power spectrum of vector/scalar fields.
jpdfscal - Joint probability density function.
jpdfscal_disp - Display joint PDF
Advanced file operations
loadpivtxt - Load a vector field exported in text format (TXT, DAT)
loadarrayvec - Load a 2D array of vector fields
changefieldf - Change the values of variables in a PIVMat structure
batchf - Execute arbitrary functions over a series of files
vec2mat - Convert any PIVMat-compatible files into standard MAT files
imvectomovie - Create a movie directly from files
zerotonanfield - Convert missing data representation to NaNs
nantozerofield - Convert missing data representation to zeros
randvec - Random vector field.
addnoisef - Add noise to fields
vortex - Test vector field containing a single vortex.
multivortex - Test vector fields of randomly distributed Burgers vortices
nam - Normalized Angular Momentum
stresstensor - Reynolds stress tensor
matrixcoordf - Matrix-coordinates (i,j) of a point (x,y) in a field
Specific DaVis file handling (VEC, VC7, SET files)
getattribute - Get attributes from an IMX/IM7 or VEC/VC7 file
readsetfile - Get attributes from the definition .SET file of a set
getpivtime - Returns the time of IMX/IM7 or VEC/VC7 files
getframedt - Time intervals between the frames of an IMX/IM7 file
Miscellaneous files handling (from Fileseries v1.40)
cdw - Change current working directory with wildcards
lsw - List directory with wildcards
rdir - Recursive list directory.
rdelete - Delete files recursively.
rrmdir - Delete directories recursively.
renamefile - Rename a series of files.
renumberfile - Re-number the indices of a series of files
getfilenum - Get the index of a series of files.
Free-Surface Synthetic Schlieren (FS-SS)
makebospattern - Make random dot pattern for SS or BOS
surfheight - Surface height reconstruction.
getsetname - Get the name of the current directory
getvar - Get the value of the parameters in a string 'p1=v1_p2=v2_...'