showf(V,BGMODE) displays the vector field(s) V as a still image or as a
movie, using the background specified by BGMODE: 'rot','norm' etc.
(See vec2scal for the list of available background modes). If no BGMODE
specified, the out-of-plane component vz is used by default for
3-components fields, and the 2D-norm for 2-components fields.
Specify BGMODE='off' or '' for no background (white).
showf(S), if S is a scalar field (or a set of scalar fields), displays
the fields as a still image or as a movie. S is a structure (for a
single field) or a structure array (for several fields) that can be
obtained from vec2scal.
During the movie, the following commands are available in live:
Space Enter/exit the 'pause' mode
'/' and '*' Stretch/compress the colormap
'+' and '-' Increase/decrease the vector arrow length
Right arrow, or 'n' Next frame.
Left arrow, or 'b' Previous frame.
'g' or 'j' Jump to a specified frame
Esc or 'x' or 'q' or Ctrl+C Exit
showf(V, 'PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...) specifies the property
name / property value pairs (only the first letters of the PropertyName
are required):
'Background' BGMODE : specifies the background BGMODE ('rot','norm',
see vec2scal.) If BGMODE is the second input
argument, it is not necessary to specify
'Spacing' [NX NY] : displays 1 vector every NX (resp. NY) in the
X (resp. Y) direction.
'Spacing' N : idem, with NX=NY=N.
(by default, displays 32 vectors in each
'ScaleArrow' SA : Specifies the scale for the vector arrows.
SA is such that a vector of norm L (in
vector units, e.g. m/s) has length SA*L
(in units of space coordinates, e.g. mm).
If SA<0, the arrows are not displayed.
If not specified, or if SA = 0, a default value
is automatically chosen.
Use the keys '+' and '-' to modify this
parameter during a movie.
'CLim': [CMIN CMAX]: specifies the min and max of the colormap.
CMAX : specifies the max of the colormap (0 or
-CMAX is taken by default for the min)
'all', 0 : normalize the colormap using the min and
max for all the scalar fields (by default).
'each', -1 : normalize the colormap using the min and
max of each scalar field.
'Colorvec' COL : Color of the vector arrows. COL may be a
string ('r', 'k' etc) or an array [R G B].
'CMap': argcolormap : Specifies the colormap, where 'argcolormap'
may be a string ('gray', 'jet' etc) or a
m-by-3 matrix of real numbers between 0.0 and
1.0. See the reference page for COLORMAP.
'Contour' n : Displays n contour lines
'Contourf' n : Displays n filled contour lines
'Streamline' [NX,NY]: display streamlines. The starting points of the
streamlines are chosen on a uniform grid with
spacing [NX,NY]. (NX=NY=16 by default)
'Loop': - : loop the movie (press 'esc' to exit)
'Backward': - : plays backward
'Delay' n : waits n seconds between each frame
'Pause' - : directly enter in the 'pause' mode (press
'space' to exit the pause mode)
'Title' TIT : string of the title. The following replacements
are performed (default = '%s [#%i]'):
'%n' : filename
'%s' : directory name
'%i' : field number
'%t' : time in sec. (see getpivtime)
'%t0' : time, with origin t(1)=0.
'savevideo', VID : specify a video object VID to save the movie.
The video object must be first initialized
using videoWriter (see below).
Some PropertyName/PropertyValue pairs work only for scalar fields:
'Contour3', n : Displays n 3D contour lines (n=8 by def.)
'Surf': - : 3-D shaded surface (see SURF)
'Surfc': - : 3-D shaded surface with a contour plot
beneath the surface (see SURFC)
'Surfl': - : 3-D shaded surface with colormap-based
lighting (see SURFL)
'Mesh': : 3-D wireframe parametric surface (see MESH)
'Meshc': : 3-D wireframe parametric surface with a
contour plot beneath the surface (see MESCHC)
'hprofile', [y] : adds horizontal profile(s) at height
specified by y embedded in the figure
'vprofile', [x] : adds vertical profile(s) at absisca
specified by x embedded in the figure
'ResetCameraSettings' : refresh the camera angle, view etc.
'Command' STR : any Matlab string to be evaluated at each
To save a movie in a file, there are two solutions:
1) Preferred solution: Using a videoWriter object
vid = VideoWriter('mymovie.avi');
showf(v, ..., 'savevideo', vid);
2) Old solution: Using MOVIE2AVI (obsolete since Matlab 2016):
mov = showf(v, ...);
movie2avi(mov, 'mymovie.avi');
showf(FILENAME,...) is a shortcut for showf(loadvec(FILENAME),...)
showf without input argument opens a dialog box for file selection.
showf *.vc7
showf('set.mat','loop','title','t = %t s');
showf(v(1:10), 'norm', 'cmap', 'gray', 'colorvec', 'y');
showf(s,'CLim',[0 14],'savevideo',vid);
See Also
loadvec, vec2scal, operf, MOVIE, IMAGE, QUIVER, COLORMAP,
convert3dto2df, MOVIE2AVI.
Published output in the Help browser
showdemo showf