S = vec2scal(V,MODE) returns scalar field(s) S computed from the vector
field(s) V according to the specified MODE. The resulting scalar
field(s) S can be displayed using showf. Available scalar modes are:
norm2d 2D norm (ux^2+uy^2)^(1/2)
norm3d 3D norm (ux^2+uy^2+uz^2)^(1/2)
norm applies norm2d or norm3d, depending on the field
ux, uy, uz x, y or z component of the vector field
en, ken kinetic energy, norm^2 / 2 (where norm is 2D or 3D)
curl (or rot) curl (z-component of vorticity field)
absrot absolute value of the curl
div 2D divergence (dux/dx + duy/dy)
ens enstrophy (=square of z-vorticity / 2)
rad, deg velocity angle (tan(angle)=vy/vx), in rad or deg
strain norm of the strain rate, sqrt(s1^2 + s2^2),
where s1 and s2 are the 2D strain eigenvalues.
q Q-criterion, Q = (enstrophy - strain^2)/2
eps2D 2D squared strain rate (epsilon/nu)
eps3D 3D squared strain rate (only 6 components)
epsaxi axisymmetric (w.r.t. y-axis) squared strain rate
duidxj spatial derivatives (du_i / dx_j), with i=x,y,z
and j=x,y (for instance, duzdy)
uiuj (or tij) Components of the Reynolds stress tensor u_i*u_j,
with i,j=x,y,z (for instance, uxuy, uyuz,
or txy, tyz, etc.)
(Careful: the average is NOT subtracted)
smin minimum eigenvalue
real, imag extracts the real part or the imaginary part
If input argument MODE is ommitted, 'norm' (for a 2D field) or 'uz'
(for a 3D field) is taken by default.
Adding '-' (minus sign) before MODE (e.g., '-rot') inverts the result.
The resulting scalar field S contains the following fields:
x,y: vectors containing the X and Y coordinates
w: matrix containing the scalar field
namex, unitx, namey, unity: strings for the name and unit of coord
namew, unitw: strings for the name and unit of the matrix w
name: name of the VEC file from which originates V
setname: name of the current directory
history: Remind from which command S has been obtained
The scalar fields built from derivatives (e.g., rot, div, ens etc.)
are computed from 2nd-order centered differences.
S = vec2scal(FILE) is a shortcut for S = vec2scal(loadvec(FILE)).
By default, vectors with a zero component are considered as erroneous,
and are not used for the computation of the derivative fields (rot,
div, eps, duxdx, ...). If however you want to keep them in the
computation, specify vec2scal(V,MODE,'keepzero').
vec2scal(...), without output argument, shows the result with showf.
stat_rot = statf(vec2scal(v,'rot'));
vec2scal *.vc7 ken
See Also
showf, gradientf, operf, convert3dto2df.
Published output in the Help browser
showdemo vec2scal