PIVMat Function Reference

Functions -- By Category

Basic VEC/VC7 and SET files operations
  loadvec           - Load vector/image field(s)
  loadset           - Load set(s) of vector/image fields 
  showvec           - Display vector field(s) 
  showscal          - Display scalar field(s) 
  showf             - Shortcut for SHOWVEC/SHOWSCAL
  vec2scal          - Convert vector into scalar field(s) 
Field processing (both for vector and scalar fields) 
  filterf           - Spatial filter of a field 
  bwfilterf         - Spatial Butterworth filter of a field 
  averf             - Average of several fields 
  spaverf           - Spatial average over X and/or Y of a field 
  azaverf           - Azimuthally averaged field
  subaverf          - Substract the average of field 
  truncf            - Truncate a field 
  extractf          - Extract a rectangle from a field 
  resizef          - Extract a rectangle from a field 
  rotatef          - Resize a field 
  shiftf            - Shift the axis of a field 
  operf             - Other operations on fields 
  addnoisef         - Add noise to a field
  gradientf         - Gradient of a scalar field
Histograms & statistics
  statf             - Mean, standard deviation and rms of a field. 
  histf             - Histogram of a field. 
  corrf             - Correlation function of a scalar field.
  histvec_disp      - Display histograms from vector fields. 
  histscal_disp     - Display histograms from scalar fields. 
  statvec_disp      - Display statistics from vector fields. 
  vsf               - Structure functions.
  vsf_disp          - Displays structure functions. 
  jpdfscal          - Joint probability density function.
  jpdfscal_disp     - Display joint PDF
Advanced VEC/VC7 and SET files operations 
  loadpivtxt        - Load a DaVis vector field exported in TXT mode 
  loadarrayvec      - Load a 2D array of vector fields 
  batchvec          - Execute some functions for a series of files 
  vec2mat           - Convert DaVis files into MAT-Files 
VEC/VC7 and SET Attribute handling 
  getattribute      - Get attributes from an IMX or VEC/VC7 file 
  readsetfile       - Get attributes from the definition .SET file of a set 
  getpivtime        - Returns the time of IMX or VEC/VC7 files 
Miscellaneous files handling (from Fileseries v1.20) 
  rdir              - Recursive list directory. 
  rdelete           - Delete files recursively. 
  rrmdir            - Delete directories recursively. 
  renamefile        - Rename a series of files. 
  renumberfile      - Re-number the indices of a series of files 
  getfilenum        - Get the index of a series of files. 
  expandstr         - Expand indexed strings. 
  getsetname        - Get the name of the current set 
  randvec           - Random vector field. 
  vortex            - Vector field with a vortex. 
  surfheight            - Surface height reconstruction.  



2005-2007 PIVMat Toolbox