PIVMat Function Reference<< Prev | Next >> 
Display scalar field(s)

showscal(S) displays the scalar field(s) S, as a still image or as a 
movie. S is a structure (or a structure array) that can be obtained by 
vec2scal (vector to scalar conversion), or directly from loadvec. 
During the movie, the following commands are available: 
      Space: Enter/exit the 'pause' mode 
      Right arrow, or 'n' : next frame. 
      Left arrow,  or 'b' : previous frame. 
      'g' or 'j' : jump to a specified frame 
      '/' and '*' : stretch/compress the colormap 
      Esc or 'x' or 'q' or Ctrl+C : exit showscal. 
showscal(S, 'PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...) specifies the property 
name / property value pairs (only the first letters of the PropertyName 
are required): 
  'CMap': argcolormap   : Specifies the colormap, where 'argcolormap' 
                          may be a string ('gray', 'jet' etc) or a 
                          m-by-3 matrix of real numbers between 0.0 and 
                          1.0. See the reference page for COLORMAP. 
                          Colormap 'jet' by default, except for .IM7 
                          and .IMX files which have colormap 'gray'. 
  'CLim':   'all', 0    : normalize the bounds of the color map using 
                          the min and max for all the scalar fields (by 
            'each', -1  : normalize the bounds of the color map using 
                          the min and max of each scalar field. 
            [CMIN CMAX] : specifies the min and max of the colormap. 
            CMAX        : specifies the max of the colormap (0 or 
                          -CMAX is taken by default for the min) 
  'AmpCLim'   AMP       : normalize the colormap between M-AMP and 
                          M+AMP, where M is the mean of the first field. 
  'Contour':   n        : Displays n contour lines (n=8 by default) 
  'Contourf':  n        : Displays n filled contour lines (n=8 by def.) 
  'Contour3':  n        : Displays n 3D contour lines (n=8 by def.) 
  'Surf':     -         : 3-D shaded surface (see SURF) 
  'Surfc':    -         : 3-D shaded surface with a contour plot 
                          beneath the surface (see SURFC) 
  'Surfl':    -         : 3-D shaded surface with colormap-based 
                          lighting (see SURFL) 
  'Mesh':               : 3-D wireframe parametric surface (see MESH) 
  'Meshc':              : 3-D wireframe parametric surface with a 
                          contour plot beneath the mesh (see MESHC) 
  'Pause':    -         : directly enter in the 'pause' mode (press 
                          'space' to exit the pause mode) 
  'Loop':     -         : loop the movie (press 'esc' to exit) 
  'Backward':     -     : plays backward 
  'Delay'     n         : waits n seconds between each frame 
  'ResetCameraSettings' : refresh the camera angle, view etc. 
  'Title'     TIT       : string of the title. The following replacements 
                          are performed (default = '%s [#%i]'): 
                             '%n' : name of the field 
                             '%s' : name of the set 
                             '%i' : field number in the set 
                             '%t' : time (see getpivtime) 
  'Command'  STR        : any Matlab string to be evaluated at each 
showscal(S, C) is equivalent to showscal(S, 'CLim', C), where C can be 
'all', 'each', CMAX, [CMIN CMAX] (see below). 
MOV = showscal(S,...) returns a movie, that can be re-displayed using 
MOVIE, or saved as an AVI file using MOVIE2AVI. 
If S is a vector field, showscal displays vec2scal(S,'norm'). 
If S is a string (or a cell array of strings), the files matching S 
are first loaded and then displayed. 
  m=showscal(s,'CLim',[0 14]); movie(m); 
  movie2avi(m, 'mymovie'); 
  showscal('b[1:5].v*');    % loads the files 'b00001.vec' etc, and 
                            % displays the norm. 
  showscal *.vc7 pause 
See Also
vec2scal, loadvec, showf, showvec, operf, MOVIE, IMAGE, 
Published output in the Help browser 
   showdemo showscal 

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