Université Paris-Saclay

  Fluides, Automatique
  et Systèmes Thermiques

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Laboratory FAST (Fluides, Automatique et Systèmes Thermiques) is a CNRS research laboratory (UMR 7608), associated with University Paris-Saclay.

Research areas

Head: H. Auradou

Focus on a project

Floaters drifting in waves

B. Dhote, L. Danion, F. Moisy, W. Herreman

How does a boat drifting in a wave orient itself? Experiments show that it tends to orient itself either parallel or perpendicular to the wave crest. Why? This is a subtle non-linear effect, which we attempt to elucidate through a combination of experiments, numerical simulations and asymptotic theory.

W. Herreman, B. Dhote, L. Danion, F. Moisy, subm. to J. Fluid Mech. (2023) [arxiv]

Other experiments in this research area

We moved to our new building

Since March 2019, the laboratory FAST has moved to the new building Pascal (building 530).

Visit the new building


Next seminars:

Prochain seminaire en septembre

L'impermanence du monde - La physique de l'éphémère

E. Guyon, J.-P. Hulin, F. Moisy, M. Rabaud (Flammarion, 2022).

Theoretical Mantle Dynamics

N. Ribe (Cambridge University Press, 2018).

Physical Hydrodynamics - 2nd edition

E. Guyon, J.P. Hulin, L. Petit, C.D. Mitescu (Oxford University Press, 2015).

La matière en désordre

E. Guyon, J.P. Hulin, D. Bideau (2014).

Hydrodynamique physique - 3e édition

E. Guyon, J.P. Hulin, L. Petit (2012).